Smart Mother Dog Leads PassersƄy To Rescue 16 AƄandoned Puppιes -A.S

Mitzi Brogdon, President and Director of Street Dog Rescue & Recovery, had just completed a rescue mission when she noticed a stray dog alone in a gravel lot. Intrigued, she approached the gentle dog, later named Dolly, and was immediately taken by her kind demeanor.

“She came right up to me and let me pet her,” Brogdon recounted. At first, it seemed that Dolly was alone, but then the dog began to lead Mitzi down a pathway. “She started walking toward the cell tower, and I followed her,” Brogdon said. This led to a surprising discovery: behind a fallen log, a multitude of puppies began to emerge—sixteen in total.

Mitzi, accustomed to seeing dogs in Oklahoma, was nonetheless astonished by the sheer number of puppies. “I’m used to seeing dogs everywhere, but that many at once was still a shock,” she admitted. After closer inspection, she realized the puppies were from three separate litters, and Dolly had become an unexpected foster mom, sheltering them from the elements and potential dangers.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Brogdon called for assistance and began to assess the puppies. Unfortunately, their friendly behavior indicated that they had likely been abandoned after being raised in a home. Mitzi and her colleague successfully captured all seventeen dogs, but the next challenge lay in finding a safe space for them.

Through a network of local rescue organizations on Facebook, including Forever Yours Dog Rescue, 405 Animal Rescue, The Fuzzy Friends Fund, and Safe Haven Animal Rescue, Brogdon secured placements for the dogs. The puppies will soon be ready for adoption after receiving their vaccinations.

While finding homes for the adorable puppies should be straightforward, Mitzi has faced difficulties in finding a family for Dolly. “She’s perfectly adoption-ready; she’s a gem,” Brogdon emphasized. “She’s the one who saved those puppies.” Mitzi is urging anyone looking for a new furry friend to consider giving Dolly the loving home she truly deserves.

Dolly’s story is a remarkable testament to the bond between dogs and their resilience. As she awaits her forever family, she remains a hero in the eyes of those who witnessed her nurturing spirit.

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